Curriculum Vitae

Personal data

Name:Martin Schwartz
Address:Click here
Phone:+45 50571799 (mobile)
Birthday:17th July 1982


2007 - 2009Master of Media Technology and Games (Technology)
IT-University of Copenhagen

2003 - 2007Bachelor of Compter Science
University College Dublin, Ireland

2001 - 2002Multimedia Design and Communication
Hillerød Business School

1998 - 2001Gymnasium (Mathematical line)
Niels Steensens Gymnasium, Copenhagen

Computer related work experience

11.2016 - presentGameAnalytics, Lead SDK developer:

Responsible for SDK team and keeping its deadlines. Developing SDK for GameAnalytics involving various different technologies. Developing GameAnalytics mobile app for Android and iOS to show key metrics for GA users.

5.2015 - 10.2016GameAnalytics, SDK developer:

Developing SDK for GameAnalytics involving various different technologies.

12.2014 - 4.2015IC-SYS, software engineer:

Working on WebGL project using Unity. Performing various software development tasks.

5.2014 - 12.2014Serious Games Interactive, game programmer:

Developing serious games using Unity and C#. Worked on a multiplayer game using Photon. Developed a map generator which can generate terrain with different layouts of islands.

11.2009 - 4.2014APEX - Virtual Entertainment, game programmer:

Working on various games developed in Unity both for PC and iOS, including the horse game PennyGirl for PC and the Olsen Banden game for iOS.

3.2008 - 8.2009Computer Games Research - IT-University of Copenhagen, web developer:

Creating the research group's new website using PHP and MySQL.

7.2007 - 8.2009IMM - Technical University of Denmark, programmer:

Developing smaller programs in Java for some of the researchers in the Information and Mathematical Modelling research group.

8.2007 - 3.2008NDS Denmark A/S, play tester:

Play tested one of the Hugo games for the PS2, also play tested smaller games for interactive television.


Computer graphics, games
  • Source engine
  • Unreal 3 engine
  • Unity Engine
  • OpenGL
  • Artificial intelligence algorithms
  • Great mathematics and physics background
  • Computer games prototyping in Game Maker
  • Cg programming
  • XNA 3.0
Programming skills
  • Java
  • C/C++
  • Object oriented design
  • Design patterns
  • PHP
  • MySQL, database programming
  • Javascript
  • Actionscript 3.0
  • C#


Written and oral

Spare time

  • Gaming
  • Tennis
  • Badminton
  • Travelling
  • Photography